Yes! We are a work culture firm that is legally called Never Grow Up ® and started operations on 01 Jan 2010.
For the first 3 odd years, we did not have a full-time team. Instead, our founders bootstrapped their way into building the company through collaborations and partnerships.
This was way back when quitting your job to take a leap of faith was not considered cool.
P.S. Members of our initial team still work with us.

At Never Grow Up, designations are a little different. Every team member chooses a cartoon/comic character that represents their unique persona. It’s our way of celebrating individuality with a side of quirk!
At Never Grow Up, we believe in keeping things real (and not disappearing into the abyss)! Our ‘No Ghosting Rule’ guarantees that everyone gets a response—whether it’s a ‘You got the job!’ or ‘We’ll catch you next time!’
We got our first client 6 months into our business, but we spent the first 36 months experimenting with our business model.
That also meant that our founder went broke (twice)! We still experiment and tinker with new ideas. Look us up and you’ll know.
We’ve innovated to create a ‘patent pending’ survey tool called Happiness Quotient' (HQ). & crafted India’s first Return on Engagement Calculator, have a tool to measure Your HQ (try it) and are working on how to improve stress levels at work.

15 Things You Did Not Know About Us!
Life happens! That’s why our workplace counselling hub offers a safe space for support—whether it’s in-person, online, or a chat over the phone. We’re all about offering personalized well-being solutions to help you thrive.
Support is just a conversation away.

We’ve been thrown out of more coffee shops than you can imagine. Our usage of Free WI-FI and ordering one drink in a day hurt their bottom line because we became like furniture.
But then, a coffee shop welcomed us with open arms.
We’ve returned the favour by remaining ‘gold members’.

Red Flag Alert!
We don’t hire based on pedigree.
Instead, we pick diverse team members based on attitude and a five-point checklist. The most important one being, we don’t work with brilliant qualified jerks!

If you drop by our office, you can see the first Internet dongle and company credit card glued to our walls. We’ve never tracked attendance and probably never will. Only because we trust the team, we work with.

We’d rather be a Star Team than a team full of individual stars. Success is best when shared, and our magic happens when we move forward together. Team-first is our first rule (and the only spotlight we need is on collective achievements)!
People are our biggest asset. We live this mantra. We don’t celebrate festivals at work [for a reason], and our ‘Payment Stamp’ has Darth Vader approving the payment.
No one in the history of our company has ever been fired for making a mistake. Our philosophy is that we are OK with mistakes as long as ‘you make new ones’.
Empathy and getting things done go hand in hand.
Our team is a melting pot of ideas, as diverse as it comes. With a gender ratio of 60:40 favouring women, Never Grow Up is about providing equal pay and opportunity. We have History and Literature majors in Business Development, Software Engineers who write content, Chartered Accountants who can design, & a PHD student who took the road less travelled to be a content lead with us.
We believe that the real diversity we celebrate and have is the ‘diversity of thought’ and work here can mean being able to move across clients, learn new things and most importantly, be yourself.

Born from a shared vision, the Good Wave Foundation provides mental well-being for everyone. As a not-for-profit organization, we offer free therapy sessions and resources to educate and support inclusivity and well-being.

While today we have nine services, we have been featured in publications across the world, won numerous awards & have gone International; Our first workshop was attended by 4 people.
(3 friends and one paid customer)

We don’t believe in clocking hours. It’s all about the impact you create. Whether you're power-napping at work, racing to meet a deadline, or just binge-watch Netflix, as long as you deliver, you’ve got the freedom to do it your way. Rules optional, fun mandatory!